If life is in danger call Triple Zero 000
If life is in danger call Triple Zero 000

Our integrated approach

Through connection and empathy, gently building hope and holding people safe, Lifeline H2HS is there for anyone with thoughts of suicide, those who care for them, and those bereaved by suicide through our wide range of services..

We’re here to listen to you and support you with 24-hour crisis support
and suicide prevention services, counselling and community support programs.


Stay safe

The ECLIPSE support group is an opportunity to speak with others who have survived a suicide attempt and learn skills that can help when distressing feelings and thoughts of suicide arise.

Feel supported in your grief

Our suicide bereavement program and open group both offer a safe and comfortable environment to discuss feelings and experiences associated with your loss, surrounded by people who know what you’re going through.

Reach out

We all experience fluctuations in our mental health that can impact us from day to day, but if you’re experiencing thoughts of suicide, or care for someone who does, it’s vital to find caring support.

At Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney, our approach is based on clinical research and evidence that indicates the best way to prevent suicide is to build resilience and wellbeing, working across a person’s whole life experience and with the people and community around them.

We offer Personal Counselling Services for those times when life is challenging. Or, if you have a Mental Health Treatment Plan and have been referred by your GP or psychiatrist, please see our Psychological Counselling Services.

Our trained counsellors are here to listen and guide you toward positive mental health.

Other support

Whatever you're experiencing, there’s someone who can help. If you're concerned for yourself, or someone you care about, you could also get in touch with:

  • your local GP (can listen, suggest treatment and/or provide referrals)
  • local counselling and psychological services (search online or use our Service Finder database).

 For information and resources, check out:

  • Life in Mind (suicide prevention evidence, information and resources)
  • ReachOut (information about suicide prevention for young people, families, communities and professionals)
  • Beyond Blue (information on depression)
  • Kids Helpline (for children and young people aged from 5 to 25 years).